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April 15, 2023

Don’t Turn a Blind Eye: When to Book Your Eye Exam

Taking care of your eyes is essential for maintaining good vision and overall health. One way to ensure your eyes are their healthiest is through regular eye exams. But, how can you tell when it’s time for a check-up? In this article, brought to you by Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic in Calgary, we’ll dive into the warning signs indicating you need an eye exam and answer some frequently asked questions about eye health.

Eye Spy: Recognizing the Warning Signs

1. Changes in Vision

If you notice sudden or gradual changes in your vision, such as blurry or distorted images, it’s time to schedule an eye exam with Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic[^1^]. Vision changes can indicate various eye conditions, including nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, or dry eye disease.

2. Frequent Headaches

Persistent headaches could be a sign that your eyes are strained and need a check-up[^2^]. Poor vision, uncorrected refractive errors, or eye strain can all contribute to headaches. The professionals at Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic can help identify and address these issues.

3. Eye Fatigue or Strain

Spending extended periods of time on digital devices can lead to eye strain, causing dryness, discomfort, and fatigue. If you experience these symptoms regularly, consult an eye care professional at Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic for an exam and recommendations on how to alleviate digital eye strain[^3^].

4. Difficulty Adapting to Light

If you find it challenging to adjust to changes in light, such as when entering a dimly lit room or, sensitivity from bright lights it can indicate underlying eye issues. An eye exam at Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic can help identify and address these concerns.

5. Squinting or Eye Rubbing

Frequent squinting or rubbing your eyes can be an early indication that your vision is not optimal. Eye strain or dry eyes can lead to constant squinting or rubbing. A comprehensive eye exam with Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic can help determine if corrective lenses or other treatments are necessary.

The Eyes Have It: Importance of Regular Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining optimal eye health, as they can detect early signs of eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration[^4^]. The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends adults aged 18 to 60 have a comprehensive eye exam at least every two years, while individuals over 60 or those with specific risk factors should have annual exams[^5^]. Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic in Calgary offers a range of eye care services to help keep your eyes healthy.


How often should I have an eye exam?

The recommended frequency of eye exams depends on your age, risk factors, and eye health. Generally, adults aged 18-60 should have an eye exam at least every two years, while those over 60 or with specific risk factors should have annual exams.

What does a comprehensive eye exam include?

A comprehensive eye exam involves a series of tests to evaluate your vision and eye health. These tests may include a visual acuity test, retinoscopy, refraction, eye muscle test, color vision test, depth perception testing, and examination of the external and internal eye structures.

Can eye strain cause permanent damage?

While eye strain can cause discomfort and temporary vision issues, it typically does not lead to permanent damage. However, it is essential to address the underlying causes of eye strain, such as uncorrected vision problems or poor ergonomics, to prevent long-term issues.

What are some ways to prevent digital eye strain?

To prevent digital eye strain, follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away. Additionally, ensure your workspace is ergonomically designed, adjust your screen's brightness and contrast, and consider using blue light filtering glasses. For more advice, consult the experts at Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic.

How can Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic help with my eye health?

Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic offers a range of eye care services, including comprehensive eye exams, diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions, and personalized recommendations for maintaining optimal eye health. Their experienced team is dedicated to providing high-quality care tailored to your individual needs. To book an appointment or learn more, visit the Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic website or contact their office.

With the help of Eyedeology Optometrist & Dry Eye Clinic in Calgary, you can stay vigilant about your eye health and ensure your vision remains clear and comfortable. Don't ignore the warning signs - schedule an eye exam today to protect your eyes and maintain optimal eye health.

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