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phone Book Now
October 5, 2021

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) can help slow down the progression of Myopia

As Optometrists, it’s very rewarding to be able to help a child to improve their vision so that they can see well to do their best not only in school but in all aspects of their lives. But having good vision and eye health is about more than being able to read the small line on the eye chart. For many children, during their school years is when they develop nearsightedness or Myopia which causes difficulty with seeing distant objects clearly. An increasingly popular method of myopia management is specialty contact lenses.

Did you know that there is a particular type of contact lens called Ortho-K lenses that are approved for overnight wear? These lenses gently reshape the front surface of the eye while the child is sleeping so that in the morning they can remove the lens and during the day they can see clearly without any correction. Ortho-K lenses have been shown to be an effective method of slowing down the progression of myopia while also having the benefit of providing freedom from glasses and contacts during the day. This is especially beneficial for those who enjoy an active lifestyle or play high-level sports. Even adults, athletes, or those who are not ready for or are not candidates for laser eye surgery can benefit greatly from this type of contact lens therapy. Ortho-K lenses have a good safety profile and are reversible.

So if you are looking for freedom from glasses or are interested in myopia control please reach out to us for a myopia consultation to discuss if you or a loved one may be a good candidate for Ortho-K lenses.

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