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January 17, 2018

New Dry Eye treatment Approved by Health Canada

At Eyedeology, our Optometrists treat many Calgarians with dry eye disease. We are very passionate about dry eyes and the latest treatment options. We are really excited to have a new medication approved by Health Canada after 7 years – Xiidra® (Lifitegrast Ophthalmic Solution 5%) gives our Optometrists another option to help treat patients with dry eye disease. Xiidra® is preservative free and will be available in the next few months. Symptoms have been shown to improve as early as 2 weeks.

Dry eye disease affects roughly 30% of the Canadian population and significantly affects the quality of life of individuals by affecting vision-related activities such as reading, computer work, driving, watching TV or viewing a digital device. Dry eye disease is caused by inflammation of the front surface of the eye resulting in a poor or deficient tear film.

Dry eye disease is multifactorial and women are more affected than men especially older women; people who use digital devices for a long period of time; anyone with medical conditions such as diabetes or Sjogrens disease; those that are on specific medications for high blood pressure, thyroid, or antihistamines; contact lens wearers, or anyone who has had laser refractive surgery or cataract surgery. A full list can be viewed on our website under services – Calgary Dry Eye clinic.

Signs and symptoms include any of the following: redness, itching, burning or stringing sensation, sandy/gritty feeling in the eyes, tearing during the day or when outdoors, light sensitivity, headaches, vision fluctuations causing blurred vision, and /or eye strain or fatigue. It’s important not to self-diagnose and start treatment. Rather see one of our Optometrists as medically necessary visits are covered by Alberta Health Care! We can design a treatment plan that is just right for you. Ask one of our Optometrists in Calgary if Xiidra® is right for you.

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